This is the most coherent my thoughts will ever be. Walk into my reality. Read what I cannot say. See the world as I see it. Take a moment to laugh. I am what I am not, and this is what it is.

29 October 2013

The torture of owning a cell phone

I might be the only person alive in this day and age who absolutely hates cell phones. I cannot stand having one. It makes me nervous and I cannot come to terms with the fact that anyone can get in touch with me whenever they please.
Of course, I haven’t always been like this. I used to love my phone just as much as the next person. Some would even argue that I worshipped that beautiful piece of technology. But after a series of unfortunate events which left me without a phone more than once, I got used to just not having one. Yes, yes. Cue gasp. Shock. Horror. How dare I say such and such? Blasphemy. All of that and more. I really don’t care.
As impossible as it might be for you to believe, your reactions won’t change a single thing. I recently went two months without a cell phone and it was the happiest time of my life. I had no human being to answer to but myself. If I didn’t feel like seeing you, I simply wouldn’t call you. Imagine that freedom and self-ownership. Just…imagine. Imagine, I said!
And yes a few people were pissed off. And yes the family was vehemently against this bizarre behaviour, which I guess I can understand. It’s the 21st century. The new world. The digital world. Blah, blah, blah. But I couldn’t be bothered. I can tell you right now that those 2 months were the happiest and most worry free months I’ve ever had the privilege of enjoying in more than 8 years.
I saw who I saw when I wanted to see them. I spoke to who I spoke to when I felt like speaking to them. Hell, I even thought about who I thought about only when I wanted to think about them –not because they sent me a text that I now have to reply to even though I don’t want to. It was great. Glorious. Magnificent.
And now it’s gone. And I am back to the torture of being under the curse of instant availability. So long, happy days. I’ve had this thing for less than a week and I’m absolutely miserable.